Chris Barnes Poker Rating: 5,7/10 4814 votes
Published On May 1, 2014
  1. Chris Barnes open shipped his short stack into the middle from the cutoff seat with and Biessek called off her stack from the small blind with the. A flop reading kept Biessek’s ace-high in front, with the on the turn failing to alter the course of the hand.
  2. Hui Jin, who has only be playing Poker since November, says he is “still learning everytime I play”. If this result is a sign of things to come another bright poker star may have been born. Final Table Results. 1st – £20,300 – Chris Cousins 2nd – £19,800 – Hui Jin 3rd – £19,800 – Chris Barnes 4th – £7,800 – Ben Winsor.
  3. Santisi Brothers Pizzeria and Sports Grill. Want to Know How Much Your Home is Worth? Get Your FREE Home Market Analysis Report Right Now!

Re: Chris Barnes « Reply #7 on: November 26, 2004, 07:48:25 PM » A lot of comments from BR members about the STYLE of RICK LAWRENCE. But in the round of eight he's ahead 3-1. Love to see him get on TV again!

GukPT Brighton Champion Chris Cousins – 04/05/2014 – 21:30



Final Interviews – 04/05/2014 – 20:45



Chris Barnes Poker

Prizepool Payout – 04/05/2014 – 20:30

GukPT Brighton
£500 NLHE F/O
Entries: 180

1st – £20,300 – Chris Cousins
2nd – £19,800 – Hui Jin
3rd – £19,800 – Chris Barnes
4th – £7,800 – Ben Winsor
5th – £5,400 – Martin Bader
6th – £3,900 – Joe Greenfield
7th – £3,200 – Francois Goulet
8th – £2,700 – Lee Taylor
9th – £2,300 – Ellie Biessek
10th – £1,900 – Sven Tiesmeyer
11th – £1,600 – Fraser Bellamy
12th – £1,600 – Callum Smith
13th – £1,400 – Babis Lappas
14th – £1,400 – Otto Richard
15th – £1,200 – Ibrahim Ullah
16th – £1,200 – Paul Dunne
17th – £1,200 – Aaron Helmore
18th – £1,100 – Lee Doran
19th – £1,100 – Sunny Chattha
20th – £1,100 – Anthony Adderley



Chris Cousins Takes Down GukPT Brighton – 04/05/2014 – 20:15

We started the day today with 14 players and after just 8 hours of play we have a new GukPT Champion in Chris Cousins.

Otto Richard was the shortest stack coming back to today, he was the also the first player out. Finishing in 14th place for £1,400.

Babbis Lapas was the next player to leave us, finishing in 13th place. He ran his A-K into Aces. No good for Babbis Lapas as he left the cardroom to collect £1,400 from the cash desk.

Local favourite Callum Smith would occupy 12th spot cashing for £1,600.

Overnight chip leader Fraser Bellamy finished in 11th place after losing a huge pot to eventual winner Chris Cousins. Frasers pocket Kings couldn’t beat the 6-7 of Chris as he flopped a straight. 11th would be good for £1,600.

We were then hand for hand for the final table. One after the other the short stacks took their turns to double up. Then Sven Tiesmeyer got his stack in with A-J against the pocket snowmen of Hui. It was a crazy run out as Hui flopped a set, Sven turned a flush and then Hui rivered a boat!! Sven would just fall short of the final table cashing for £1,900.

The only lady left in the tournament Ellie Biessek finished in 9th position, she was short stack all day and got it in with A-K against the 10-9 of Chris Barnes. Chris rivering a straight. Ellie cashed for £2,300.

Lee Taylor got his stack in with two pair against the nut flush draw of Chris Cousins. A club on the river was good enough to send Lee to the cashier desk to collect £2,700 for 8th place.

Also short stacked for a long time on the final table Francois Goulet got his 8 big blinds in with K-Q and ran into the A-K of Ben Winsor. No queens for Francois and he finished in 7th place for £3,200.

Joe Greenfield had a huge stack but he ran terrible trebling a few players up before getting the last of his chips in with A-K but couldn’t win the race against the pocket Jacks of Chris Barnes. Joe finished in 6th for £3,900.

We would then lose another two players in the space of 15 minutes as Martin Bader was knocked out in 5th place. All in with Ace-King high he was called by the A-10 of diamonds of Hui who held a flush draw. Instant service on the turn for Hui and Martin left us to collect £5,400.

Then in fourth we lost Ben Winsor who was quite a few peoples favourite to take down the title. He made a move against Chris Barnes at the wrong time and ran into the nuts! Ben collected £7,800 for his efforts.

The players then went on an unscheduled break to discuss a deal and came back with the decision that they would chop the money evenly. Each player taking £19,800 and leaving £500 for the casino staff as a tip.

The game then became a lot more loose players playing with freedom. There were a few swings as each player took their turn to double up.

The two Chris’ then went to war with Chris Barnes getting it in with A-10 against the K-10 of Chris Cousins for a huge pot!! A king on the flop was enough to give the pot to Cousins and send Barnes to the cash desk to collect £19,800.

Heads up didn’t last long. It was around 20 minutes before Hui Jin shoved with Q-9 of hearts and ran into the A-K of hearts of Chris.

Both players flopped the flush!! The nut flush was good for Chris to take home the trophy!!

A great performance from Hui Jin who hasn’t been playing the game long.

Chris Cousins thoroughly deserved the title. Holding the chip lead for the whole of the final and played extremely well.

It’s been another great leg of the GukPT Tour in one of the nicest destinations we go to. There was another overlay of £10,000 after the tournament got 180 runners but the atmosphere was definitely one of the best this year and was played in great spirits. It was good to see three locals also chopping up the top end of the money, which meant everyone went home happy.

We will be back again at the end of the month from Walsall so we hope you will tune in again.

Thanks for sticking with us over the last four days. Until next time, be lucky.



It’s All Over – 04/05/2014 – 19:50

Hui Jin moves all in and is called by Chris Cousins.

Hui tables and will need to get lucky as Chris tables

The flop comes as both players flop a flush!!

The turn card gives Hui 1 out for a chop, he needs the six of hearts on the river.

The river card .

Hui Jin finishes in second place taking home £19,800 a great performance from someone who has only been playing poker since November.

Chris Cousins is our GukPT Brighton Champion leaving with £20,300, the trophy and a grand final seat.



Heads Up Chip Counts – 04/05/2014 – 19:31

Hui Jin – 700,000

Chris Cousins – 2,900,000



Chris Barnes Busts in 3rd – 04/05/2014 – 19:27

Chris Barnes moves all in for his 25 big stack and is called by Chris Cousins.

Barnes tables and has the of Cousins crushed!!

That is until the flop comes :3d6h

The turn card comes

The river card

Kings and threes are good for Chris Cousins to take the pot.

We lose Chris Barnes in 3rd place for £19,800.



Double Jin – 04/05/2014 – 19:12

Chris Cousins makes it 50,000. Hui Jin moves all in, Chris Barnes also moves all in!! Cousins gets out of the way and the cards go on their backs…

It’s a coinflip as Hui tables against the of Chris.

The flop comes

The turn card

The river card !!!!

Hui rivers top pair to double up to 900,000.

Chris Barnes is down to 8 million.



Martin Bader 5th – 04/05/2014 – 18:59



Cousins Take Chip Lead – 04/05/2014 – 18:50

Chris Cousins limps in. Hui Jin makes it 270,000, Chris calls.

The flop comes

Chris checks, Hui puts in a bet of 200,000, Chris moves all in!! Hui makes the call for around 300,000 more.

Chris says I don’t have much tabling for one pair, but that’s more than Hui has as he shows for Ace high.

The turn card comes

The river card

Two pair for Chris is good for him to take the chip lead, he now has 1.6million.

Hui is down to 400,000.



All is Quiet – 04/05/2014 – 18:40

All is quiet on the tables so far this level.

No real pots of note.



Prizepool Payout – 04/05/2014 – 18:28

GukPT Brighton
£500 NLHE F/O
Entries: 180

1st – £20,300
2nd – £19,800
3rd – £19,800
4th – £7,800 – Ben Winsor
5th – £5,400 – Martin Bader
6th – £3,900 – Joe Greenfield
7th – £3,200 – Francois Goulet
8th – £2,700 – Lee Taylor
9th – £2,300 – Ellie Biessek
10th – £1,900 – Sven Tiesmeyer
11th – £1,600 – Fraser Bellamy
12th – £1,600 – Callum Smith
13th – £1,400 – Babis Lappas
14th – £1,400 – Otto Richard
15th – £1,200 – Ibrahim Ullah
16th – £1,200 – Paul Dunne
17th – £1,200 – Aaron Helmore
18th – £1,100 – Lee Doran
19th – £1,100 – Sunny Chattha
20th – £1,100 – Anthony Adderley

Chop it Up – 04/05/2014 – 18:24

The players are now back playing, but they have agreed a deal. They are all locals and have agreed to split the money evenly taking £19,800 each and leaving £500 to play for, the trophy and grand final seat.



Chip Counts – 04/05/2014 – 18:20

Seat Two – Chris Cousins – 900,000

Seat Four – Hui Jin – 1,200,000

Seat Six – Chris Barnes – 1,600,000



Break – 04/05/2014 – 18:15

The players are taking a break to talk about a deal.



Ben Winsor 4th – 04/05/2014 – 18:10

Chris Barnes min opens the action and is called by the players in the blinds.

They all check as the flop comes all the players check.

The turn card comes

Chris bets 40,000, Ben Winsor moves all in and Chris makes the call.

Ben tables but is drawing dead to the who has flopped the nuts!!

We lose Ben Winsor in 4th place for £7,800.



Bader Busts – 04/05/2014 – 18:01

Hui Jin makes it 40,000 to play, Martin Bader three bets to 115,000. Hui makes the call as they go to the flop.

The flop comes

Hui checks to Martin who moves all in for around 300,000. Hui tanks for a minute or two before making the call.

Martin is ahead tabling against the of Hui who has a flush draw.

Instant service for Hui as the turn comes

The river card comes

Martin Bader is eliminated from the tournament in 5th place for £5,400.



Greenfield Gone – 14/05/2014 – 17:50

Joe Greenfield gets his stack all in pre flop with against the of Chris Barnes.

The flop comes giving Chris two pair.

Chris Barnes Pottery

The turn card

The river card

The jacks hold for Chris who has went from short stack to big stack!!

Joe ran terrible on the final table and finishes in 6th place for £3,900



Another D0uble For Barnes – 14/05/2014 – 17:42

Chris Cousins opens, Chris Barnes moves all in and Cousins makes the call.

Cousins tables but is drawing to three outs against Barnes who looks for back to back double ups as he shows

The board runs out

Full house for Chris Barnes as he doubles up to around 900,000!!



Barnes Back In It – 04/05/2014 – 17:35

Chris Barnes moves all in for his 10 big blind stack and is called by Ben Winsor.

Chris tables and will need to get lucky against the of Ben.

Ben lowers his head again as the flop is dealt. It comes , Ben looks up to see the bad news.

The turn card . Ben asks for a ten to split the pot.

The river comes

Chris gets a full double up to 450,000 and now has just over 22 big blinds. He is back in it.

Ben is down to around 240,000.



Chip Counts – 04/05/2014 – 17:25

Final Table

Seat One – Joe Greenfield – 360,000

Seat Two – Chris Cousins – 1,375,000

Seat Three – Ben Winsor – 600,000

Seat Four – Hui Jin – 460,000

Seat Six – Chris Barnes – 220,000

Seat Seven – MArtin Bader – 670,000



Level 23 – 04/05/2014 – 17:20

The players are back seated as we begin level 23.

The blinds are now 10,000/20,000 with a 2,000 ante.

6 players remaining.



Break Time – 04/05/2014 – 17:05

Break time now for the players as they take 15 minutes.



Huge Double For Bader – 04/05/2014 – 17:01

Joe Greenfield opens from first position, Martin Bader defends in the big blind.

The two players go to the flop as it comes . Bet, raise all in and a call with Martin at risk.

Joe tables for a flush draw.

Martin shows for top pair top kicker.

The turn card comes !! Joe turns the nut flush draw, but Martin has outs with any Ace or nine.

The river card comes !!!! Shouts of “sick” and “wow” from the rail as Martin rivers a full house! He takes the pot doubling to around 700,000.

Joe is down to 400,000.



Hui Doubles!! – 04/05/2014 – 16:51

Hui Jin moves all in and he is called by Joe Greenfield in the big blind.

Hui tables which is ahead of the of Joe.

The flop comes

The turn card giving Hui a pair of Queens.

The river card

Hui doubles up to just short of 500,000.

Joe is left with 600,000.



Francois Goulet – 7th – 04/05/2014 – 16:33

Francois Goulet moves all in for his stack of around 100,000. Ben Winsor also moves all in!!

Ben tables and has Francois crushed as he tables

The board runs out

Ace-King high is good for Ben to take the pot.

Francois Goulet finishes in 7th place for £3,200.



Lee Taylor – 8th – 04/05/2014 – 16:25

Lee Taylor min opens and is called by Chris Cousins.

The two players go to the flop as it comes

Chris checks, Lee bets, Chris raises, Lee moves all in and Chris calls.

Lee tables Ace four for two pair. Chris shows for the nut flush draw.

The turn card is a brick.

The river card !!!!

Chris rivers the flush to take the pot.

Lee Taylor is eliminated in 8th place for £2,700



Chip Counts – 04/05/2014 – 16:08

Final Table

Seat One – Joe Greenfield – 819,000

Seat Two – Chris Cousins – 1,200,000

Seat Three – Ben Winsor – 375,000

Seat Four – Hui Jin – 350,000

Seat Five – Lee Taylor – 400,000

Seat Six – Chris Barnes – 220,000

Seat Seven – MArtin Bader – 255,000

Seat Eight – Francois Goulet – 92,000



Level 22 – 04/05/2014 – 16:01

The players are back seated as we begin the 22nd level of play.

The blinds are now 8,000/16,000 with a 2,000 ante

8 players remaining.



Break Time – 04/05/2014 – 15:51

Break time now for the 8 players remaining as they take 10 minutes.



All is Quiet – 04/05/2014 – 15:40

All is quiet on the final table at the minute, not much action to speak of.

Ben Winsor shoved over a Joe Greenfield open, but other than that not much has happened.

It’s all very tense.



Five To Stay Alive – 04/05/2014 – 15:27

Martin Bader moves all in for his stack of around 90,000. Ben Winsor makes the call.

Martin is in bad shape tabling against the of Ben.

Ben lowers his head. For some reason he doesn’t like to watch some all in situations.

He is right to not want to watch this one, as it comes

The turn card comes

The river card

Martin hits a five to stay alive, doubling up to 170,000.

Ben is now one of the shorter stacks down to 220,000.



Ellie Biessek 9th – 04/05/2014 – 15:15

Chris Barnes moves all in from the cutoff. Ellie Biessek then also moves all in from the small blind, putting herself at risk as she has less.

Chris tables and will need to improve against the of Ellie.

The flop comes . The ace high is still ahead of Ellie but Chris picks up a gut shot straight draw.

The turn card comes

The river card !!! Chris rivers a straight to take the pot.

Ellie Biessek is eliminated in 9th place for £2,300.



Queens All Round – 04/05/2014 – 15:01

Francois Goulet and Ellie Biessek both move all in!!

The cards go on their backs and both players have pocket queens!!

No flush for either players and it’s a split pot.



Play Underway – 04/05/2014 – 14:48

The final table is now underway.

The clock has been wound back. So we will be playing a full level of 6,000/12,000 with a 1,500 ante.



Chris Barnes Poker Player

Final Table – 04/05/2014 – 14:45

Final Table

Seat One – Joe Greenfield – 700,000
Seat Two – Chris Cousins – 968,500
Seat Three – Ben Winsor – 520,500
Seat Four – Hui Jin – 625,500
Seat Five – Lee Taylor – 276,500
Seat Six – Chris Barnes – 133,000
Seat Seven – Martin Bader – 246,000
Seat Eight – Francois Goulet – 136,500
Seat Nine – Ellie Biessek – 104,000



Break Time – 04/05/2014 – 14:25

The players are now on a break before beginning the final table.

The break will be around 25 minutes.



Sven Tiesmeyer 10th – 04/05/2014 – 14:20

Sven Tiesmeyer moves all in for 146,000 and is called by Hui Jin.

It’s a classic flip as Sven tables against the of Hui

The flop comes !! Hui flops bottom set but Sven flops a gut shot and a flush draw!!

The turn card as Sven turns a flush!

The river card !!! The board pairs on the river giving Jin a full house and the pot.

We lose Sven Tiesmeyer in 10th place for £1,900.



No Break – 04/05/2014 – 14:12

As we are hand for hand GukPT rules state that we can’t have a break.

So the players will play on until we lose someone and make the final nine. It’s no ideal but those are the rules that have always been in place.

The blinds increase to 6,000/12,000 with a 1,500 ante.

10 players remaining.



Short Stacks – 04/05/2014 – 14:07

Sven Tiesmeyer & Ellie Biessek are the two shortest stacks of the final ten players despite both of them doubling up earlier on.

They have around 120,000 each.

Chris Barnes Poker Club



Tiesmeyer Doubles – 04/05/2014 – 13:55

Sven Tiesmeyer moves all in and is called by Chris Cousins.

Sven is at risk for his 80,000 stack and will need to hit, he tables against the of Chris.

The board runs out

Two pair for Sven who doubles up to survive. He now has 170,000.

We are still hand for hand.



Michael Keiner Wins Event #14 ($146,987)

Posted: Sat, Jun 09, 07, 11:52 PM

The Steep Price of Poker

Chris Barnes Packers

At the start of the heads-up match it cost $3,000 to ante up and $3,000 for the low card bet. The limits were $10,000-$20,000.

Snowball Effect

Stud is a game where if you’re not careful, it can already be too late to pull yourself out of troubled waters. A half hour into the heads-up match between Michael Keiner and Nesbitt Coburn it may have already been to late for Coburn, or too early considering it was 6:15 a.m. Keiner now held $840,000 to Coburn’s $330,000, and things were about to get worse.

Queens Up

Chris Barnes Poker Game

With almost $200,000 in the pot, Coburn bet $20,000 on seventh street with 3899 exposed. Keiner raised to $40,000 with QK510 exposed and Coburn called. Keiner flipped over QJ5 for queens up and delivered another uppercut blow to Coubrun's chip stack, he was now down to $220,000.

The Final Countdown

Keiner continued to lean on Coburn, and he was between a rock and a hard place with only $80,000. With 6AJQ exposed, Coburn mucked his hand after committing $60,000 of that last $80,000. Keiner had made a raise on seventh street with 996A exposed. The writing was on the wall at this point, Coburn had $18,000 left.

Chris Barnes Poker Games

Michael Keiner Wins Event #14 ($146,987)

Coburn was all in on third street and Keiner quickly made the call. He then turned over pocket kings as his hole cards. Coburn just laughed as he was dealt 104(39JA)4. Keiner drove in the final dagger with KK(2432)Q. “YESSSS!!!!” cried out Keiner triumphantly when the win was official. He then asked the dealer to pinch him and said, “I’m not dreaming.” Coburn was eliminated in second place, and took home $80,876 in prize money. Keiner won the $1,500 seven card stud event, the gold bracelet, and $146,987.

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